четвъртък, 8 април 2010 г.

A Blog About Natural Ways Of Relieving Chronic Constipation

Hello, dear readers! My name is Stanimir Sotirov, and this is my blog, which I made to help you deal with the problem of chronic constipation.

At first view it might not seem as one of the major health problems, but if left untreated constipation may lead to bowel obstruction, which often requires surgical treatment. Of course its not only bad for your health, chronic constipation will often make you feel very uncomfortable and depressed, this makes relieving it very important for both health and social life.

Most people get really uncomfortable when they have to speak about their problem. I want every reader of this blog to know that there is nothing to be ashamed of. Chronic constipation is a normal condition cause by medications (as a side effect), hormonal, poisoning by heavy metals, illness or disorder.

There are a variety of ways to relieve constipation, with the most popular being the use of laxatives ( over 900 million dollars are being spend on them every single year). The problem is that this is not the most natural and healthy way to cure the condition, it should only be your last resort. In other post I will explain this in details and also recommend you some natural cures for constipation.

So much for my first post, read on if you think I can be of help to you :)

If you have any questions be sure to send them at stancho1234@gmail.com
See you and good luck!